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The Friendliest Cities List

These are the places where the local residents will go out of their way to help a tourist out. Friendliness, whether it’s instinctual hospitality or even something simple as a store...

The Coolest New Attractions of 2016

Judging by the items on this list, 2016 is going to be another amazing year for art, architecture, and amusement parks. These are the most exciting new openings of the coming year. Ranging from...

Amazing Waterfalls Around the World

You will definitely want to see these for yourselves! There is a particular kind of beauty about an impressive waterfall and these ones are a some picks from our favourites! Some are huge, some...

Amazing Places to Visit in China Beyond Beijing and Shanghai

China is an incredible country but most tourists usually only experience two cities, Beijing and Shanghai. And while both of those great cities are must-visit and worth the time to explore in...

Long Layover in Doha Airport? Here’s How to Spend Your Time!

Qatar’s brand new Hamad International Airport  is a wonder of modern architecture but there’s nothing like a really long layover to dampen your trip. Hamad International Airport (DOH)...

The Hottest Dubai Restaurants Right Now

This fast-paced city of culinary wonders always has new places to try—from restaurants dripping in pearl chandeliers to edgy underground bars in historically overlooked neighbourhoods. The list...

How to Survive a Really Long Flight

Turns out that you can not only survive but actually enjoy a long-haul flight! Well, the quick solution would be to fly first class of course! Then again it’s not something most of us can...

10 Unusual Things to Do in San Francisco

Check out these cool and weird activities to do off the beaten path in San Fran! It’s easy to find what the major sights are in a popular destination. In San Francisco’s case we all...

Tech Apps & Gadgets for the Worried Traveler

It’s time to kick your travel woes to the curb. When you’re planning a big trip, things can seem daunting and anxiety-inducing: what to pack, what to pack it in, how to avoid any and...

8 Cool Microneighborhoods You Should Explore

These neighborhoods within neighborhoods are the paragon of cool. These are the hearts of already established hot spots of fashion, culture and design. If you need to experience the gist of...